





081 5522305




La struttura del centro neurologico comprende un ambulatorio, il Dipartimento di Studi Funzionali del Sistema Nervoso e il Dipartimento di Diagnostica Visiva e Riabilitazione. Il Centro Medico fornisce diagnosi e trattamenti per pazienti di tutte le età.

  • Diagnosi veloce
  • Test medici complessi
  • Identificazione precoce e intervento
  • Interventi chirurgici complessi
  • Servizi completi per i pazienti ricoverati
  • Servizi ambulatoriali
  • Servizi medici e chirurgici
  • Servizio ambulanze in ospedale
  • Malattie della pelle
  • Neoplasie cutanee
  • Valutazione dei nei
  • Medicina estetica


An echocardiogram uses sound waves to produce images of your heart. This common test allows your doctor to see your heart beating and pumping blood. Your doctor can use the images from an echocardiogram to identify heart disease.
Implantable Cardiac Monitor (ICM)
The excitement and anticipation as we waited to see the next piece of unpredictable chaos was electric. These straps are all hand-made from our two good friends in Saigon, who are leather-makers, singers, and entrepreneurs. Also remember that money spent on traveling and experiences is always a better investment than buying new gear (if you don’t need it).
Treadmill stress testing
Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality and emotion of the subject. The excitement and anticipation as we waited to see the next piece of unpredictable chaos was electric.
Transoesophageal echocardiogram (TOE)
The excitement and anticipation as we waited to see the next piece of unpredictable chaos was electric. These straps are all hand-made from our two good friends in Saigon, who are leather-makers, singers, and entrepreneurs.
Pacemaker checks
The excitement and anticipation as we waited to see the next piece of unpredictable chaos was electric. These straps are all hand-made from our two good friends in Saigon, who are leather-makers, singers, and entrepreneurs. Also remember that money spent on traveling and experiences is always a better investment than buying new gear (if you don’t need it).
Electrophysiology (EP) Study
An echocardiogram uses sound waves to produce images of your heart. This common test allows your doctor to see your heart beating and pumping blood. Your doctor can use the images from an echocardiogram to identify heart disease.
Holter monitoring
Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality and emotion of the subject. Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality and emotion of the subject.

Studio Medico Ellesse gli specialisti nella salute delle gambe!

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